Saturday, January 11, 2014

When I get ARoundToIt..

What can I say?  I had good intentions of keeping current with post but alas.. good intentions have to be put in motion and not just in thought bubbles!  I kept saying I'll post when I can get around to it, but as I've said before, I'm an excellent procrastinator!  Shoot.. If I was being honest, I might admit I'm just plain lazy!  Well,  I finally got a round to it and here it is, even if I made it myself.. 

Now, this is the reason I can't get anything done..    It took me all night to make it!  Oh well,  Here I am again and I hope to be here more often but we'll see how it goes!

I haven't been idle all this time away.  I've spent the last two summers at my beloved beach along with my beautiful Grandangel who just turned 21 this week!  She will be a senior in college this year and has spent the last two summers working at The Dunes Club and being my housemate. 

Now, this is a perfect example of my good intentions.  I wrote this post the week of July 23, 2013, never finished it, therefore, never posted it and here it is 2014. 

I'll add a bit more to this one and then I'll officially start 2014 with those good ol' intentions yet again.

This Grandangel is now in her final semester of college.  I can't fathom that 21 years have passed so quickly.  The next grandangel is now 20 and hoping to enter the wonderful world of nursing.  My 'baby' grandangel is now a teenager and is doing great in school! She is an awesome cheerleader and dancer and sweet as she can be.  Good grief, I'm too young to be this old!

Be blessed and thanks for stopping by..
'til next time {hugs}

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