Thanks so much for your prayers for my daughter, Jennifer. Her surgery went well and she is home on the road to recovery. Continued prayers for that recovery and her health in general..
Computer problems:
I have been having computer issues for a couple of months now.. Not on one computer but two - a desktop and a laptop! I love my laptop and will probably go into mourning when it dies but being the stubborn old codger I am and a do it yourselfer, I don't give up very easily! I did finally give in and call the HP folks for help with my laptop and I have to say they have been great. Yes, I did have to pay $59.99 because my warranty expired in 2010 but it has been worth the money. I'm slowly but surely getting it back to a working state and am so happy.
Guess what the first program and files I've put back on and the ones I was as sick over as photos and data files of other programs..
Sure Cuts A Lot! I gave a great big Yahooooooozies! when I found those SVG files after the 5th try at restoring the back up I did before taking the laptop back to factory status..
I have lots of work to do to get it back to where I can work with my crafting files like before but it will get there.. Bear with me and hang in here and I am going to be much more proactive with posting things I make.
Be blessed and thanks for stopping by..
'til next time {hugs}