Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Saga Begins...

Am I really doing this?
So many of my friends are blogging and I don't want to be left behind so looks like... YEP...
I'm really doing this!

I've never kept a journal, and for that I'm truly sorry. I do believe an incident when I was probably in the sixth or seventh grade kept me from ever wanting to keep a journal.  I had a diary and had started writing in it daily.  A diary was supposed to be private so no one was supposed to pick it up and read it.. even if you left it out in plain sight in your home.  I believe my parents respected that so I had no qualms about leaving it out after writing in it.  It never occurred to me that a visiting relative would pick it up and read it until.... /sigh...  an aunt and uncle came over and the uncle did just that.  I was mortified because I had written about the beginning of that new monthly event young ladies experience..  I never wrote in the diary again and never journaled - until now! 

So, if anyone ever reads these Little Bits of Me, I hope you will overlook when I ramble, find something of interest along the way, leave me a post every now and then and come back to see me often.  I'm glad you are here!


Joann said...

Yay!!! Welcome to the blogging world...It's a great tool. I think you'll love it!! Love you!!

sreynolds999 said...

Hey, at least it wasn't a sibling! Welcome to the blogging world! I need to get motivated to get my zentangle blog up and running and post to my other blog more regularly. Love ya!

Laurie said...

Great, Linda. I look forward to reading your thoughts. Good luck.

Lynda said...

Thank you for visiting and adding to my new adventure.. I'm looking forward to this journey and I'm glad you all are along for the ride.. :)