Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday already?

Sheesh.. I can't believe it is already Thursday!  Where DID this week go? 

My DH left for the beach early Monday morning.  He woke me to tell me bye and I remember saying "Don't kiss me goodbye, I have a sore throat" and telling him to drive safely and have a good week fishing. I went back to sleep for a little while and woke up with a raging headache so I self diagnosed a sinus headache.  I do belive it turned out to be the crud that is going around. I've been under the weather all week.  I even missed my monthly Star's Stamp Club meeting tonight. I don't take kindly to feeling bad so hubby surely picked the right week to head to the beach.

My intentions this week were to reorganize my craft room and settle down for the long winter nights playing with all my crafting stuff. Since I haven't felt like doing diddly squat all week, I've been looking at what other folks have been up to on all the fantastic artistic blogs. They are so totally awesome, that you can get lost in time and before you know it, Monday becomes Thursday.. LOL

I do plan to share projects here but most of my cards, etc are "cased" and with so many folks designing their own, I'm a little intimidated. 

I've added some new blog candy sights so be sure you check them out..

Also, keep my GA #1 in your prayers.  Her knee is getting better.  She goes home next Tuesday and bless her heart, her Thanksgiving break is going to include having her wisdom teeth surgically removed.  I love you, GA!

Be blessed and thanks for stopping by..
'til next time,

1 comment:

Ann Dobies said...

Sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully, you will be well enough to come to SS on Suncday.

Enjoying your posts, and you were right, this can become addictive, even though I have lots to learn about blogging, navigating to other pages, etc.